+234 8038514090, +234 9082907092, +234 9056463036, +234 8079917938 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the opening hours of NOUN Library?

A: The NOUN Library at the headquarters, regional libraries and study centre libraries is open to users from 8am to 4pm daily, From Mondays to Fridays except on Public Holidays. Library users can access the library and its services within the opening hours.

Q: Will I be allowed to access library services in all NOUN study centres in Nigeria?

A: Yes, NOUN is a single university spread across Nigeria with different study centres. NOUN students can therefore access the University as well as the library services through any of its 108 study centres. The central library at the headquarters is also open to students. Visiting students are required to present identification cards and an introductory letter from parent institution before accessing library services in NOUN.

Q: How do I become a registered member of NOUN library?

A: You can get registered with NOUN Library through your study centre library, faculty library or regional library. After filling the registration form, you will be issued with Library Card which can be used in accessing library services. You can download the library registration form here (attached form)

Q: How do I access the electronic resources of NOUN library?

A: As a registered student of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), you can access subscribed online databases through your student portal, by clicking on the “library” link and selecting any of the available resources.

Alternatively, you can also visit the https://nou.edu.ng/library-2/ NOUN Information Gateway to access online journals and e-books and a host of other information resources. Where user name and password are required, please contact your Study Centre Librarian.

Q: Does NOUN library organize any user education program?

A: Yes, beside the GST104 Use of Library, Centre Libraries and Regional libraries organize library orientations and library tours for newly admitted students. These programs are meant to educate users on best ways to use library resources. Also, the library has a published NOUN Library Orientation Manual (NOUNLOM), which also provides detailed information about the library activities. Click here (attached NOUNLOM) to read NOUNLOM. Uploaded on library website is also a library orientation video which can be accessed through this link

Q: Does NOUN library subscribed to online databases and how do I access them?

A: Yes, NOUN Library subscribed to various online databases that cut across several programs run by the university. Students can access these databases though their students’ portal or visit https://nou.edu.ng/library-2/ where login details (username and password) are required, please contact your Centre Librarian.

Q: Are students’ research project, thesis and dissertation allowed to be borrowed?

A: No, research projects, thesis and dissertation as well as other forms of GREY literature are not allowed to be borrowed outside the library (Reserved). Wholesome photocopying of research reports is also prohibited to prevent plagiarism and other forms of misconduct. However, research projects are available to be consulted within the premises of the library.

Q: What benefits do I gained by being a registered library user?

A: Several benefits accrued to being registered member of the library and these include the right to borrow library materials, and access other library services.

Q: Is the library open to researchers and students of other institutions?

A: Yes, the library is open to them upon presentation of introduction letters from their institutions.

If you don’t find an answer to your question here, kindly Click here to Ask a Librarian